mod post, announcement, ooc

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  • Hello DF! Yeah, lame subject, so sue me.

    fish_bananas wrote in desperatefans Aug 10, 2005 13:46

    Hi everyone. This is Fish. (In case it wasn't painfully obvious yet.)

    You know the IRC chat? What do all yous giez think of making an 'angst room' of sorts? Like DF-2 (for the over-PG-13 content, yea?) but for angsting, not humping. That way, the main chat (#desperatefans) will be largely for low-key socializing and crack-ish happenings like ( Read more... )

    mod post, ooc

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  • REVISED - Harry Potter and the Spoiler Warning that Ate DF

    fordanglia wrote in desperatefans Jul 19, 2005 11:29


    After a bit of discussion, it has been concluded that the three month spoiler buffer for 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince' be moved down to One (1) Month. This means that new characters/situations may be brought into play on 16 August 2005Also, a rather inane request - Please don't pre-create journals in an effort to 'claim' new ( Read more... )

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  • Harry Potter and the Spoiler Warning that Ate DF

    fordanglia wrote in desperatefans Jul 15, 2005 08:55

    If you have no connection to the Potterverse and/or no interest whatsoever in reading Book 6, please move along and have an awesome day!

    -- MOD POST --

    Hey all! This is one of those rare instances where you'll see me be all modly, as really, you're awesome and don't need much moderating.

    That said, this post concerns the impending doom of Harry ( Read more... )

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  • The post regarding activities in chat.

    mostgiftedwitch wrote in desperatefans Jun 20, 2005 22:44

    Recently, we've had a bit of drama during the IRC chats. If you are not participating there, this obviously does not apply to you. The drama was largely centered around what was allowed and what wasn't. Rather than having a fluid sort of guideline that no one really understands (or enforces) the chat mods (being Fish, Mandy, Arsen, Leany and Britt ( Read more... )

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  • Seriously now, y'all.

    tyriangalley wrote in desperatefans May 03, 2005 01:18

    Ok, guys. New rule.

    - No more double characters. The ones who are here can stay, but no more.

    Meaning, two of the same characters from different sources.

    Mainly, because I have had to deal with the double characters all night, and it's rather frustrating, not to mention confusing for the rest of the players. Please don't feel as though you ( Read more... )

    mod post, ooc

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